Succulent flora of Saudi Arabia

Succulent plants are of great ecological significance particularly in arid and semi-arid parts of Saudi Arabia or the Arabian Peninsula in general. They store water in their stems, leaves or roots, a characteristic feature adopted by several plants to withstand high temperature and low precipitation. Succulent plants are usually seen in the eastern slops of southern Hijaz Mountains, along the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea coast, shallow depressions and dry lake beds containing high levels of dissolved minerals that are noxious to other plants. In Saudi Arabia, approximately, 290 species belonging to   23 families are generally recognized as succulent. Some of the families, representing succulent species are Aizoaceae, Aloaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Cactaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Crassulaceae, Dracaenaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Portulacaceae and Zygophyllaceae.

Some of succulent plants have ornamental value (Adenium arabicumDuvalia spp., Huernia spp., Caralluma spp., Euphorbia spp.) while a few other species (e.g. Sansevieria– Dracaenaceae)are economically important in local fiber industry or are deeply associated with the culture of the country. In Saudi Arabia,  Asclepiadaceae is the largest family with over 27 species followed by Chenopodiaceae and Aloeaceae with 24 species each, majority of which are seen in the northwestern and southwestern regions. Aloe is the largest succulent genus in Saudi Arabia, containing about 24 species. The most popular among them are Aloe vera var. officinalis, Aloe sabaea, etc.. Species such as Aloe armatissima Lavr. & Colle, Aloe porphyrostachys Lavr. & Colle., Aloe shadensis Lavr. & Colle. and Aloe sheilae Lavr. are endemic to Saudi Arabia. 

Euphorbia species are generally regarded as poisonous and spiny, some of them are as tall as 5 meters. Genera such as Caralluma, Caudanthera, Borelluma, Duvalia, Heurnia etc. of Asclepiadaceae have 4-5-sided succulent stems and possess very attractive flowers seen either singly or in clusters.

Agavaceae contains only 2 genera, namely Dracaena and Sansevieria. The former (Dracaena ombet) is found in the high altitude areas while the latter, represented by two species (S. ehrenbergii and Sansevieria forskaliana) is usually seen in low lying areas. Members of Agavaceae are of considerable economic importance in the Arab World because of their fibrous leaves/stems which were widely used in making mats, baskets, hats, etc.  All three species have a scattered distribution in the south western region. Cactaceae, a New World family, is represented in Saudi Arabia by two exotic species, Opuntia dellenii and O. ficus-indica. Both species are now invaded into large tracts of the vegetation-rich areas of south western mountains. Crassulaceae is a relatively small family in Saudi Arabia. All members (4 genera and 16 species) of this family in Saudi Arabia are leaf succulents and are seen among the high altitude areas of Hijaz Mountains. Umblicus spp. and Sedum spp. are moist loving plants, usually found among Pteridophytes.

Portulacaceae is represented by 2 genera and six species of annual or perennial herbs. Members of this family are characteristic of 2-phyllous floral involucre (sometimes considered as sepals) with scales or hairs at the leaf bases. The most prominent among them is the widely distributed, edible plant, Portulaca oleracea which is found in almost all semi aquatic habitats of Saudi Arabia. In Zygophyllaceae, two genera are succulent. Among these Nitraria retusa is reported from the eastern province while the genus Zygophyllum (Tetreana) with six species have a wider distribution, commonly seen in saline habitats.

Succulent species of Chenopodiaceae are also important in arid regions, some of which are extremely fleshy while a few genera, for example, Salicornia and Halocnemum have articulated stems with no leaves. In genera like Salsola, Haloxylon, etc the leaves are scale-like and are distributed in the arid regions or in the coastal and inland sabkhas (Salty areas).


Aizoon hispanicum

Delosperma harazianum

Mesembryanthemum forsskalii

Mesembryanthemum nodiflorurn

Sesuvium sesuvioides

Sesuvium verrucosum

Trianthema crystallinà

Trianthema portulacastrum

Trianthema sheilae

Triantheina triquetra

Zaleya pentandra



 Aloe abhaica

 Aloe armatissima

 Aloe brunneodentata

 Aloe castellorum

 Aloe cephalophora

 Aloe edentata

 Aloe fleurentiniorum

 Aloe hijazensis

Aloe niebuhriana

Aloe officinalis

Aloe parvicapsula

Aloe parvicoma

Aloe porpyrostachys

Aloe pseudorubroviolacea

Aloe qaharensis

Aloe rivierei

Aloe rubroviolacea

Aloe sabaea

Aloe shadensis

Aloe sheilae

Aloe vacillans

Aloe vulcanica

Aloe woodii

Aloe yemenica


Adenium obesum


Angolluma commutata ssp. sheilae

Angolluma deflersiana

Angolluma erernastrum

Angolluma wissmannii

Borealluma tuberculata

Caralluma subulata

Caudanthera sinaica

Caudanthera sinaica ssp. baradii  

Crenulluma petraea

Cryptolluma edulis

Cylindrilluma solenophora

Desmidorchis penicillatus

Desmidorchis retrospiciens

Duvalia sulcata

Duvalia sulcata var. semi-nuda

Duvalia velutina

Huernia arabica

Huernia sp. nov. aff. boleana

Huernia laevis

Huernia sp. aff. lodarensis

Huernia saudi-arabica

Monolluma quadrangula

Rhytidocaulon macrolobum

Rhytidocaulon macrolobum ssp. minimum

Rhytidocaulon sheilae

Sulcolluma shadhbana

Sulcolluma shadhbana var. barhana


Opuntia ficus-indica

Opuntia dillenii


Sphaerocoma aucheri


Agathophora alopecuroides

Agathophora alopecuroides var. papillosa

Anabasis setifera

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum

Bienertia cycloptera

Halocharis sulphurea  

Halocnemum strobilaceum

Halopeplis perfoliata

Salicornia europaea

Salsola arabica  

Salsola cyclophylla

Salsola drummondii  

Salsola imbricata  

Salsola jordanicola  

Salsala kali

Salsola lachnantha

Salsola schweinfurthii

Seidlitzia rosmarinus

Sevada schimperi

Suaeda aegyptiaca

Suaeda maritima

Suaeda monoica

Suaeda vermiculata  

Traganum nudatum  


Kleinia odora

Kleinia pendula


Crassula alata

Crassula alata ssp. pharnaceoides

Crassula alba

Crassula schimperi

Crassula tillaea

Kalanchoe alternans

Kalanchoe citrina

Kalanchoe crenata

Kalanchoe deficiens var. glabra

Kalanchoe glaucescens

Kalanchoe laciniata

Kalanchoe lanceolata

Sedum caespitosum

Sedum hispanicum

Umbilicus horizontalis

Umbilicus rupestris


Cynomorium coccineum  


Sansevieria ehrenbergii  

Sansevieria forskaliana



Euphorbia agowensis

Euphorbia ammak  

Euphorbia balsamifera ssp. adenensis  

Euphorbia cactus  

Euphorbia fractiflexa

Euphorbia fruticosa

Euphorbia inarticulata

Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia parciramulosa

Euphorbia schimperi

Euphorbia triaculeata



Sebaea sp.

Swertia polynectaria

Swertia woodii


Hydnora johannis


Eulophia petersii


Cistanche phelypaea

Cistanche tubulosa

Cistanche tubulosa var. albiflora

Cistanche violacea

Orobanche abyssinica

Orobanche aegyptiaca

Orobanche cernua var. cernua

Orobanche cernua var. desertorum

Orobanche cernua var. latebracteata

Orobanche hypertomentosa

Orobanche minor

Orobanche oxyloba var. oxyloba

Orobanche pubescens

Orobanche sp. aff. purpurea

Orobanche ramosa


Adenia venenata


Limonium axillare

Limonium carnosum

Limonium cylindrifolium


Rumex vesicarius


Portulaca grandiflora

Portulaca kermesina

Portulaca oleracea

Portulaca pilosa

Portulaca quadrifida



Reaumuria hirtella


Cissus quadrangularis

Cissus rotundifolius


Nitraria retusa

Zygophyllum album

Zygophyllum boulosii

Zygophyllum coccineum

Zygophyllum decumbens

Zygophyllum hamiense

Zygophyllum mandavillei

Zygophyllum migahidii

Zygophyllum qatarense

Zygophyllum simplex