Nafud Al-Urayq protected area
Flora and Vegetation

Nafud Al-Urayq is a narrow protected area, situated in the central part of Saudi Arabia. It is located between 24.750174-25.552082 N and 42.437837-42.580600 E with an area of 1641 km2 and a perimeter of approximately 397 km. The area is composed of Quaternary aeolian sand overlying the crystalline rocks. The entire area, away from the dune part is well connected with road network of both asphalt and vehicular tracks, enabling the villagers to access the protected area from all sides, making it one of the difficult areas for monitoring. Two major wadis and their tributaries join at the northern edge of the area. During rainy season the water flows from west to east providing moisture and disseminules to the protected area, depressions remain filled with water for several weeks making the habitat covered with silt conducive for the growth of annuals. Although the entire area is covered by sands, small rock formations, hills or hillocks can be found on the entire eastern side just outside the main sand body. North eastern sides of the protected areas are also bordered by isolated rocky hillocks and inselbergs, mostly devoid of any vegetation.

Floristic Analysis
135 species belonging to 108 genera in 37 families have been recorded from the area. Among these, Poaceae (19 spp.) is the largest family followed by Asteraceae and Leguminosae with 19 and 11 species respectively. 16 families are represented by only one species each. Tree species are few in the surveyed area, represented by only 2 (1.5%) species, namely, Acacia raddiana and Tamarix aphylla. Herbs and subshrubs (perennial herbs) are the major categories with 63 (47.7%) and 38 (28.1%) species respectively, followed by perennial grasses and shrubs with 16 (11.9%) and 11(8.1%) species respectively. The share of annual grasses in the study area is insignificant, represented by only 5 (3.7%) species, such as Aristida adscensionis, Phalaris minor and Schismus barbatus. Since the protected area is located within the Saharo-Arabian phytogeographical zone, highest number of species comes from this zone. An approximate 43% (58 spp.) belong to this category, followed by 14 % (19 spp.) from Saharo-Arabian- Irano Turanian category. However, there are incursions of species from other phytogeographical zones such as, Mediterranean, Somalia Masai or Tropical regions.

Vegetation of Nafud Al-Urayq
The terrain of Nafud Al-Urayq is located in an extra arid zone and composed mainly of xeromorphic shrubs and herbs. Although the terrain falls within a arid phytogeographical zone, there are intrusions of species from other phytogeographical zones such as Acacias and Astragalus of Somalia Masai and Irano-Turanian zones respectively. Majority of species belonging to the Saharo-Arabian zone are annuals with either xeromorphic adaptations or live only for a short period. The duration of life of annuals in this area varies from year to year, depending upon the favourable conditions. If the area receives sufficient quantity of rain in a season, density and abundance of herbaceous flora are significantly high while in years of drought, only a few disseminules of the herbs could germinate and produce few flowers and seeds. Depending on the amount precipitation, the overall stature of these plants also varies from a retarded height to normal heights. Haloxylon persicum is the major component of Nafud Al-Urayq, dominating the northern half of the surveyed area, while Acacias (A. ehrenbergiana, A. raddiana and A. tortilis) and xeromorphic dwarf shrublets (Anvillea garcinii, Blepharis ciliaris, Gymnocarpos decander, Sclerocephalus arabicus, etc. dominate the hillocks and shallow depressions of the southern part. H. persicum is characteristic of the mobile dune area which is also home to a number of shrubs, subshrubs and herbs such as H. salicornicum, Moltkiopsis ciliata, Schismus barbatus, Plantago boissieri, etc. Calligonum comosum, a previously dominant population sharing with H. persicum in the northern and central part is now in a highly degraded state, majority of which are either dead or with a few live branches. Herbaceous flora and other grasses are usually found in depressions where silt and soil accumulates. Subshrubs and shrubs dominate the southern edge of the protected area, mostly found at foot hills or in crevices among hillocks. Haloxylon salicornicum community is mainly dominating in the southern parts and along the periphery of the northern half where the sand is less mobile. Non palatable tropical element, Calotropis procera and the common desert component Rhazya stricta are not prominent in the surveyed area, primarily due to the restrictions to the domesticated herbs. The palatable grass, Panicum turgidum dominates along the southern side, where it shares the habitat of A. ehrenbergiana, and A. tortilis and a number of annuals, such as Plantago spp., Brassica tourneforte, Centaurea pseudosinaica, Ifloga spicata, Anisosciadium lanatum, etc. 23 locations were selected as sample spots for recording the cover value of populations. An analysis of these values has shown that, the entire vegetation can be divided into 5 communities or vegetation groups, each located in specific habitat. Some species are widely distributed with appreciable abundance while others are with restricted distribution range. The characteristic communities are as follows:
Haloxylon salicornicum community: This community is highly scattered in the northern and southern part of Nafud Al-Urayq. It also dominates in the depressions and semi sabkha areas where rain water accumulates during rainy days. Other species equally dominant in this community are Pulicaria undulata and the non-palatable species Euphorbia retusa (Fig. 6) and E. dracunculoides. Major components of this community are: Ajuga arabica, Andrachne telephoides, Capparis spinosa, Citrullus colocynthis, Euphorbia retusa, E. dracunculoides, Haloxylon salicornicum, Pulicaria undulata
Haloxylon salicornicum-Pulicaria undulata community: dominates in the southern and northern edge of Nafud Al-Urayq, mostly composed of herbaceous flora along the periphery and edges of sand dunes. This community is usually found on low altitude sand dunes of southern sides and on sand sheets of the northern side with less mobile sand. It contains the highest diversity both in terms of abundance and density. Presence of Capparis spinosa along with Pulicaria undulata as a co-dominant species indicates the area as a shallow depression receiving excess quantity of silt and sand. Majority of species in this community other than the dominant ones are herbs except for a species such as Kohautia caespitose, Senna italica, etc. Low lying areas between dunes support a small population of A. ehrenbergiana. Major components of this community are: Acacia ehrenbergiana, Anisosciadium lanatum, Anthemis deserti, Arnebia hispidissima, Asphodelus tenuifolius, Atractylis carduus, Bassia muricata, Capparis spinosa, Cleome amblyocarpa, Eremobium lineare, Erodium laciniatum, Fagonia glutinosa, Farsetia stylosa, Horwoodia dicksoniae, Koelpinia linearis, Kohautia caespitosa, Launaea capitata, L. mucronata, Lotononis platycarpa, Malva parviflora, Neurada procumbens, Pergularia tomentosa, Plantago amplexicaulis, P. boissieri, P. ciliata, Pulicaria undulata, Reseda arabica, Savignya parviflora, Senna italica
Sabkha sub-community: This community is the smallest among all other prominent ones and therefore not significant in the study area. Distribution of this community is highly restricted, found only along the edges of water logged area. It is dominated by Tetraena propinqua associated with Haloxylon salicornicum. Other associated species in the community are: Cistanche phylepaea, Haloxylon salicornicum, Tamarix nilotica, Tetraena propinqua (=Zygophyllum migahidii)

Haloxylon persicum community: It is the largest community in Nafud Al-Urayq, covering majority of sandy areas. H. persicum, the keystone species of the area, is a large shrub, reaching a height of about 3 meters. This Irano Turanian species is an important component of the sand seas and its population often forms into an isolated ‘island’. Earlier villagers used to gather its branches to use as firewood. Other major species sharing this habitat are: Caltotropis procera, Centropodia forsskalei, Citanche phylepaea, Cyperus conglomeratus, Eremobium lineare, Haloxylon salicornicum, Moltkiopsis ciliata, Monsonia nivea, Polycarpaea repens, Polygala erioptera, Stipagrostis drarii.
Acacia raddiana-Panicum turgidum community: Sand dunes are absent in the southern part of the surveyed area. The terrain is rocky overlaid by a sheet of less mobile sand. Slopes of small hillocks are somewhat vegetated with subshrubs and shrubs such as Ephedra foliata, Lycium shawii, Hibiscus micranthus, Gymnocarpos decander while the flat wadi bed with a mixture of sand and silt support the growth annuals such as Launaea capitata, Savignya parviflora, Horwoodia dicksoniae citrullus colocynthis, Senecio flavus, Launaea spp. , etc. The population of Acacia raddiana is somewhat healthy, some reaching a height of about 6 meters and above, indicating less grazing. Major components of this community are : Acacia raddiana, Acacia tortilis, Aerva javanica, Aristida adscensionis, Asphodelus tenuifolius, Asteriscus heirochunticus, Blepharis ciliaris, Centarurea pseudosinaica, Centaurea bruguieri, Chrysopogon plumulosus, Citrullus colocynthis, Convolvulus oxyphyllus, Diplotaxis acris, Emex spinosa, Ephedra foliata, Eragrostis barrelieri, Haplophyllum, tuberculatum, Hibiscus micranthus, Hyparrhenia hirta, Launaea capitata, Launaea nudicaulis, Lycium shawii, Morettia parviflora, Panicum turgidum, Paronychia arabica, Pergularia tomentosa, Plantago ovata, Pulicaria incisa, Pulicaria undulata, Senecio flavus, Teucrium polium, .Zilla spinosa.
Calligonum comosum-Haloxylon salicornicum community: The population of Caliigonum comosum is in a highly depauperate stage, majority of them are in a dying stage, primarily due to intensive wood cutting by nearby villagers prior to the declaration of the area as a protected one. Two types of flowers are seen in this population. However, individual plant maintains the colour of the fruits, either as red or yellow. This shrub is very popular throughout Arabian Peninsula for its excellent firewood which can be used as long and clear burning firewood with less smoke. Major part of this habitat contains mobile sand dunes and therefore contains fewer numbers of species. All species recorded under this community are purely psammophytes having adapted xeromorphic features. Dominant and associated species of this community are as follows: Calligonum comosum, Cistanche phylepaea, Cyperus conglomeratus, Eremobium lineare, Gisekia pharnaceoides, Haloxylon salicornicum, Moltkiopsis ciliata, Monsonia nivea, Morettia parviflora, Stipagrostis drarii
Species found in Nafud Al-Urayq
Population Cover: A=Abundant; L=Locally Abundant; R=Rare
Chorotype: SA= Saharo Arabian; SM= Somalia Masai; TR=Tropical; Med-SA= Mediterranean –Saharo Arabian; Paleotropic; SA-IT= Saharo Arabia-Irano Turanian; SA-SH= Saharo Arabia-Sahel; SA-SM= Saharo Arabian – Somalia Masai; SM-SH=Somalia Masai-Sahel
Distribution: Najd= Central Region; E= Eastern Province; N=Northern Region; SW=Southwestern Region; NW=Northwestern Region; S=Southern Region.
Family |
Species |
Lifeform | Population Cover |
Habitat |
Chorotype | Distribution in Saudi Arabia |
Acanthaceae | Blepharis ciliaris | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, S |
Amaranthaceae | Aerva javanica | Subshrub/ | L | Slopes of Hillocks | Paleotropic | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Bassia muricata | Herb | L | Foothills | SA-IT | Najd, E, N, | |
Halothamnus iraqensis | Subshrub | R | Slopes of hills | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Haloxylon persicum | Shrub | A | Sand dunes | IT | Najd, E, N | |
Haloxylon salicornicum | Subshrub | A | Sand sheets | SA | Najd, N, E, SW, NW | |
Apiaceae | Anisosciadium lanatum | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, N, E, NW |
Apocynaceae | Calotropis procera | Shrub | L | Depressions, open plains | SM-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Glossonema boveanum ssp. boveanum | Subshrub | R | Foothills and Slopes | SM-SH | Najd, N, NW | |
Glossonema variens | Subshrub | R | Foothills and Slopes | SM-SH | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Pergularia tomentosa | Subshrub | R | Foothills and Slopes | SM-SH | Najd, E, N, S | |
Asphodelaceae | Asphodelus refractus | Herb | R | Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Asphodelus tenuifolius | Herb | A | Depressions | SA-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Asteraceae | Anthemis deserti | Herb | L | Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, NW |
Anvillea garcinii | Subshrub | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Asteriscus heirochunticus | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N, S | |
Atractylis carduus | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Centaurea bruguieriana | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Centaurea pseudosinaica | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Centaurea sp. | Herb | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, S | ||
Echinops polyceras | Subshrub | R | Foothills and Slopes | IT | Najd, N | |
Filago desertorum | Herb | A | Depressions | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Ifloga spicata | Herb | A | Foot hills, hill slopes, Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Koelpinia linearis | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
| Launaea capitata | Herb | A | Open plains, depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Launaea mucronata | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Launaea nudicaulis | Herb | L | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Picris babylonica | Herb | A | Foothills and Slopes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Pulicaria incisa | Subshrub | R | Foothills and Slopes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Pulicaria undulata | Subshrub | A | Open plains | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Rhanterium epapposum | Subshrub | L | Open plains | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Senecio flavus | Herb | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Boraginaceae | Anchusa sp. | Herb | R | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW |
Arnebia hispidissima | Herb | A | Open plains | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Heliotropium bacciferum | Subshrub | L | Open plains | SA-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Heliotropium digynum | Subshrub | A | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Moltkiopsis ciliata | Subshrub | A | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Trichodesma africanum | Subshrub | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SA-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Brassicaceae | Brassica tourneforte | Herb | R | Slopes of Hillocks | Med-SA | Najd, E, N |
| Diplotaxis acris | Herb | R | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E |
| Diplotaxis harra | Herb | R | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E |
Eremobium lineare | Herb | A | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Farsetia aegyptiaca | Subshrub | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SA-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Farsetia stylosa | Subshrub | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SA-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Horwoodia dcksoniae | Herb | L | Foot hills | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Morettia parviflora | Subshrub | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SM | Najd, E, N | |
Savignya parviflora | Herb | L | Foot hills and depressions | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Schimpera arabica | Herb | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Zilla spinosa | Herb | L | Foot hills | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW | |
Capparaceae | Capparis spinosa | Shrub | A | Depressions | Med-SA | Najd, E, N |
Cleome amblyocarpa | Herb | L | Depressions | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Caryophyllaceae | Gymnocarpos decander | Subshrub | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E, N, NW |
Paronychia arabica | Herb | L | Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Polycarpaea repens | Subshrub | A | Sand dunes | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Sclerocephalus arabicus | Subshrub | L | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Silene villosa | Herb | A | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
| Spergula fallax | Herb | L | Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S |
Cistaceae | Helianthemum lippii | Subshrub | R | Slopes of Hillocks | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, NW |
Convolvulaceae | Convolvulus buschiricus | Subshrub | R | Slopes of Hillocks | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S |
Convolvulus oxyphyllus ssp. oxycladus | Subshrub | R | Open plains | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Convolvulus pilosellifolius | Subshrub | L | Depressions | IT | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Cucurbitaceae | Citrullus colocynthis | Subshrub | A | Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Cynomoriaceae | Cynomorium coccineum | Subshrub | R | Sand dunes | Med-IT-SA | Najd, E, N |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus conglomeratus | Subshrub | A | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW |
Ephedraceae | Ephedra foliata | Shrub | R | Slopes of Hillocks | SA-IT | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Euphorbiaceae | Andrachne telephioides | Subshrub | L | Depressions | Med-IT | Najd, E, N |
Euphorbia dracunculoides | Subshrub | A | Depressions | SA | Najd, E | |
Euphorbia granulata | Subshrub | A | Open plains, depressions | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Euphorbia retusa | Subshrub | A | Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Fabaceae | Acacia raddiana | Tree | A | Open plains, wadi channels | SM | Najd, E, N |
Acacia ehrenbergiana | Shrub | L | Open plains, wadi channels | SM | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Acacia tortilis | Shrub | L | Open plains, wadi channels | SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Astragalus caprinus | Herb | R | Depressions | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Astragalus schimperi | Herb | L | Depressions | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Astragalus tribuloides | Herb | L | Depressions | SA-IT | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Astragalus spinosus | Subshrub | L | Depressions | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Lotononis platycarpos | Herb | A | Open plains, Sand sheets | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Medicago laciniata | Herb | L | Depressions, slopes of hillocks | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Senna italica | Subshrub | L | Open plains | SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
| Tephrosia purpurea | Subshrub | R | Open plains Slopes of hills | SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Geraniaceae | Erodium laciniatum | Herb | L | Open plains | Med | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Monsonia heliotropoides | Herb | R | Open plains | SM | Najd, E, NW | |
Monsonia nivea | Herb | A | Sand dunes | SA-SM | Najd, E, N | |
Lamiaceae | Ajuga arabica | Subshrub | L | Depressions | IT | Najd, N |
Salvia deserti | Subshrub | R | Slopes of hills | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Teucrium polium | Subshrub | R | Slopes of hills | Med-IT | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Liliaceae | Gagea sp. | Herb | R | Open plains | Med-SA | Najd, E, N |
Malvaceae | Althaea ludwigii | Herb | L | Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Hibiscus micranthus | Shrub | L | Slopes of hills | Paleotropic | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Malva parviflora | Herb | L | Depressions | Med-IT | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Molluginaceae | Gisekia pharnaceoides | Herb | A | Open plains, sand sheets | TR | Najd, E, NW, S |
Neuradaceae | Neurada procumbens | Herb | A | Sand sheets | SA | Najd, E, N, NW |
Orobanchaceae | Cistanche phelypaea | Subshrub | L | Sand dunes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N |
Plantaginaceae | Plantago amplexicaulis | Herb | L | Slopes of hills | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Plantago boissieri | Herb | A | Sand dunes, sand sheets | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Plantago cilata | Herb | A | Depressions and sand sheets | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Plantago ovata | Herb | A | Depressions and sand sheets | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Poaceae | Aristida adscensionis | Annual | A | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW |
Aristida funiculata | Perennial | L | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N | |
Brachypodium distachyon | Annual grass | L | Slopes of hills | Med-IT-SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Cenchrus ciliaris | Perennial grass | L | Slopes of hills | TR | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Centropodia forsskalii | Perennial | A | Sand dunes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Chrysopogon plumulosus | Perennial | R | Slopes of hills | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Cynodon dactylon | Perennial | A | Slopes of hills, depressions | TR | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Enneapogon desvauxii | Perennial | L | Slopes of hills | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Eragrostis barrelieri | Perennial | L | Slopes of hills | Med-SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Hyparrhenia hirta | Annual | L | Slopes of hills | Med-IT-SA | Najd, E, N | |
Lolium persicum | Annual | R | Slopes of hills, depressions | IT | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Ochthochloa compressa | Perennial | L | Slopes of hills | SA-IT | Najd, E | |
Panicum turgidum | Perennial
| A | Open plains, foot hills | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
| Phalaris minor | Annual | L | Depressions | Med-IT | Najd, E, N, NW |
Schismus barbatus | Annual | L | Depressions | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Stipagrostis ciliata | Perennial | R | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Stipagrostis drarii | Perennial | A | Sand dunes | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
| Stipagrostis hirtigluma | Perennial | R | Sand dunes | SA |
Stipagrostis obtusa | Perennial | L | Sand dunes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Stipagrostis plumosa | Perennial | A | Sand dunes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N | |
Tetrapogon villosus | Perennial | L | Slopes of hills | SA-SM | Najd, E | |
Polygalaceae | Polygala erioptera. | Subshrub | R | Slopes of hills | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW |
Polygonaceae | Calligonum comosum | Shrub | L | Sand dunes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N |
Emex spinosa | Herb | L | Depressions | Med-SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Rumex vesicarius | Herb | L | Slopes of hills, Depressions | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Polypodiaceae | Cheilanthus sp. | Subshrub | R | Moist hill slopes | SA-IT | Najd, E, N, SW, NW |
Resedaceae | Ochradenus baccatus | Shrub | L | Slopes of hills | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Reseda arabica | Herb | R | Depressions | SA | Najd, E | |
Rubiaceae | Kohautia caespitosa | Subshrub | R | Slopes of hills | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Rutaceae | Haplophyllum tuberculatum | Subshrub | L | Open plains | SA | Najd, E |
Solanaceae | Lycum shawii | Shrub | L | Foot hills | SA-SH | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix aphylla | Tree | R | Abandoned farms | SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Tamarix nilotica | Shrub | L | Saline area/sabkha | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S | |
Urticaceae | Forsskaolea tenacissima | Subshrub | L | Slopes of hills | SA-SM | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Zygophyllaceae | Fagonia bruguieri | Subshrub | A | Slopes of hills | SA | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |
Fagonia glutinosa | Subshrub | A | Sand sheets | SA | Najd, E, N, NW, S | |
Seetzenia lanata | Herb | L | Sand sheets | SM | Najd, E | |
Tetraena propinqua | Subshrub | A | Saline area/sabkha | SA | Najd, E, N, NW | |
Tribulus terrestris var. terrestris | Herb | L | Depressions, hill slopes | Paleotropic | Najd, E, N, SW, NW, S |