
Dr. Jacob Thomas Pandalayil Ph.D. ;; 

Mob. +91 9847136374; Whatsapp +91 9847136374

Dr. Jacob Thomas was the Assistant Curator of the National Herbarium (RIY) of the then National Agriculture and Water Research Center (NAWRC) at the  Ministry of Agriculture, Saudi Arabia from 1985-1989 and the Curator of the Herbarium (KSU) of King Saud University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia from 1989 to 2017. He has over 35 years experience in Arabian flora and phytogeography and is known among nature lovers and ecologists of this part of the world. Published over 60 research articles and books on flora and vegetation of Saudi Arabia, many of them are in very reputed journals including Nature. During his tenure as curator of the Herbarium, the number specimens have increased several folds, which include significant number of rare and endangered species or specimens that are new to science. The contents in this web site are the results of his knowledge he has amassed during his career and the extensive travel he has carried out across the country over a period of 30 years. He has participated in several national and regional research projects and the results of which has been incorporated in several rejuvenation programs for uplifting the highly degraded marginal lands of Saudi Arabia.

Personal Details
Field of specialization : Phytogeography, Plant Taxonomy, Floristic and
ecosystem studies, Conservation.

Previous Experience:
35 years’ experience in wild plants’ Identification, Herbarium Management; and researches on
Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography, Ecology and Flora of Arabian Peninsula and Western India.
Nature of previous works: Nomenclature studies at generic and species levels; collection,
preservation and identification of all higher plants from Saudi Arabia and abroad for future
references, vegetation map, studies on the morphology of higher plants, habitat and population
ecology, autecology and phenology of plant species, Quarantine works for various government
departments in Saudi Arabia. Plant identification works for researchers, students, NGOs and
Curatorial work at KSU: Since 1989, over 20,000 plant specimens have been collected from
various parts of Saudi Arabia particularly from some of the rich plant diversity centres of the
Southwestern and north-western mountainous regions. These specimens were processed,
identified and deposited in KSU and RIY.

Previous Position: Curator/Researcher, Herbarium Dept. of Botany & Microbiology, College of
Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.

Expertise in auxiliary fields
Web designing; page formatting/setting for final offset printing; exsitu conservation of wild
Web manager:

Academic Qualifications
Degree Subject Year of Passing University/Board
B. Sc. Botany (Major) 1981 University of Kerala, India
Zoology &Chemistry (Minors)
M. Sc. Botany 1983 University of Kerala, India
Ph.D. Botany (Phytogeography) 2007 University of North
Maharashtra, India.
Title of the thesis: “Phytogeographical studies of the vascular flora of Satpuda
Mountains in the Nandurbar and Dhule Districts of Maharashtra”.

Employment History
Research Scholar : Sardar Patil University, Gujarat from April 83 to July 83
Positions held in Saudi Arabia:
Researcher from 1985 December to 1989 February: National Herbarium (RIY), National
Agricultural & Water Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Riyadh.
Curator from 1989 April to 2001 January: Herbarium (KSU), Dept. of Botany &
Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh.
Research Associate, from 2001 to 2003: Flora of Jazan Project (funded by King Abdulaziz
City for Science & Technology, Riyadh), Herbarium, King Saud University.
Researcher/Curator, from September 2003 to February 2007 : Herbarium, Dept. of Botany &
Microbiology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Research Professor/Curator, from October, 2007-2017: Herbarum Dept. of Botany &
Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh

1. A.H. Alfarhan & Thomas, J, (1994). The Identification of flowering plant-families in
Saudi Arabia . Saudi Biological society. 225p.
2. F. Al-Hemaid & Thomas, J. (1996). Review of the genus Tribulus in Saudi Arabia,
Arab Gulf Journal of Sci. Res. 14(2): 415-443 (ISI Journal)
3. A.H. Alfarhan, Thomas, J. & M. I. Alallah (1997) Noteworthy records on the Flora of
Saudi Arabia. Journal of the Kuwait University. 24(1):123-130. (ISI Journal)
4. A. H. Alfarhan, S. A. Chaudhary & Thomas, J. (1998) Notes on the Flora of Saudi
Arabia. Journal of the College of Science, King Saud University. 10(1): 31-40.
5. A.H. Alfarhan & Thomas, J. (1999-2001) Key to flowering plant families in Saudi
Arabia, Tamaricaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Buddlejaceae, Convolvulaceae, Lemnaceae,
Cuscutaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Flora of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Vols. I & II (1999-
2001). Edited by S. Chaudhary, NAWRC, Ministry of Agri. & Water.)
6. A.H.Alfarhan, T.Al-Turki, Thomas, J. & R.A. Basahy (2002). Annotated list to the
flora of Farasan Archipelago, Southern Red Sea, Saudi Arabia, Taeckholmia, 22(1): 1-
7. Thomas, J.; Yadav, S.S.; Varghese, M. & Garud, B.D. (2004). Floristic Diversity of
Satpuda Mountains in the Western Khandesh Region of Maharashtra, Plant Archives,
Vol. 4(2): 209-222.
8. Thomas, J.; Yadav, S.S. & Varghese, M. (2005). Phytogeographic studies on the
western Satpuda Mountains of Khandesh region in Maharashtra. Indian Forester 12:
9. Varghese, M.; Yadav, S.S. & Thomas, J. (2006). Taxonomic status of some of the
Tribulus species in the Indian Subcontinent, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Saudi
Journal of Biological Sciences, 13(1): 165-170.
10. Alfarhan, A.H.; Aldjain, I.M.N. ; Thomas, J.; Miller, A.G.; Othman L. & Akram. A.
(2009). Botanic Garden in the Arabian Peninsula, Sibbaldia, The Journal of Botanic
Garden Horticulture, No. 6: 189-203.
11. Thomas, J.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Akram. A. ; Miller, A.G.; & Othman, L. (2008) An
account on the eastern limits of Afro-Arabian plants. Basic and applied dry land
research, 2: 12-22.
12. Harfi, H.A.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Al-Rasheid, K. and Thomas, J.(2009). Allergenic pollens
of Saudi Arabian flora, Center of Excellence in Biodiversity Research, King Saud
13. Alfarhan, A.H. Sivadasan, M. & Thomas, J. (2009). Proposal to conserve the name
Loxsoma (Loxsomataceae) with that spelling. Taxon 58(4): 1370-1371. (ISI Journal)
14. Alfarhan, A.H.; Sivadasan, M.; Thomas, J. & Samraoui, B. (110–114) Proposals to
delete Articles 18.5, 18.6 and 19.7, replacing them with three Notes, and to provide
consequent changes to App. IIB and to Articles 10.6, 11.1, 18.1, and 19.4. TAXON 59
(2) : 656–666. (ISI Journal)
15. Al-Turki, T.A. and Thomas, J. (2010). An account on the floral dimorphism and
ecology of the genus Moltkiopsis I.M. Johnst. (Boraginaceae) in Saudi Arabia. Turkish
J. of Botany 34: 367-377. (ISI Journal)
16. Thomas, J.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Samraoui, B.; Sivadasan, M.; Bukhari, N.; Al-Atar, A.A.
(2010) Floristic composition of the Farasan Archipelago in SE Red Sea and its affinities
to phytogeographical regions. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 28(2): 79-90.
(ISI Journal)
17. Basahi, M.A.; Thomas, J.; Al-Turki, T.A.; Alfarhan, A.H; Al-Atar, A.A. and
Sivadasan, M. (2010) Current status and conservation efforts of Centaurothamnus
maximus Wagenitz & Dittrich (Asteraceae), an endemic, endangered species from
Arabian Peninsula, Plant Archives 10(2): 807-814. (ISI Journal).
18. Jaleel, V. Abdul, M. Sivadasan, Ahmed H. Alfarhan, Thomas, J. & A. A. Alatar.
(2011). Revision of Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne. Sect. Rhaphiophallus (Schott)
Engler (Araceae) in India. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 18(1): 1-26. (ISI
19. Arif I.A.; Bakir, M.A.; Khan, H.A.; Alfarhan, A,H.; Al Homaidan, A.A.; Ahamed A,
Bafeel SO; Thomas, J. (2011). Comparative evaluation of PCR success with universal
primers of maturase K (matK) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase
large subunit (rbcL) for barcoding of some arid plants. Plant Omics 4(4): 195-198. (ISI
20. Yahya, M.; Al-Turki, T.A. and Thomas, J. (2012). Odyssea mucronata (Forssk.) Stapf,
Sesbania sericea (Willd.) Link. and Sesamum alatum Thonn – new discoveries for the
flora of Saudi Arabia. Turkish J. of Botany, 36: 39-48 (ISI Journal)
21. Sujanapal, P., M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, N. Anil Kumar, M. Sivadasan, Alfarhan, A.H.
& Thomas, J. (2012). Miliusa gokhalae, a New Species of Annonaceae from India with
Notes on Interrelationships, Population structure and Conservation status. Phytotaxa . 42:
26-34. (ISI journal)
22. Alaklabi, A.; Arif, I.; Bafeel, S.; Khan, H. Alfarhan, A.; Ahamad, A.; Thomas, J. and
Bakir. M. (2012). Characterization of regionally endangered tree species Mimusops
laurifolia (Forssk.) Friis by rbcL gene sequence and RAPD profile, International Journal
of Molecular Sciences Vol.4 (3): 29-37.
23. Shanavaskhan, A. E., M. Sivadasan, Ahmed H. Alfarhan & Thomas, J. (2012).
Ethnomedicinal aspects of angiospermic epiphytes and parasites of Kerala, India. Indian
Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 11(2): 250-258 (ISI journal).
24. Bafeel, S.O.; Alaklabi, A.; Arif, I.A.; Khan, H.A.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Ahamad, A.; Thomas,
J.; Bakir, M.A. (2012). Ribulose-1, 5-biphosphate carboxylase (rbcL) gene sequence and
random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profile of regionally endangered
tree species Coptosperma graveolens ssp. arabicum (S.Moore) Degreef. Plant Omics
Journal 5(3): 285-290. (ISI Journal).
25. Alatar, A.A., Mohamed El-Sheikh, M. A. & Thomas, J. (2012), Vegetation analysis of
Wadi Al-Jufayr, a hyper arid region in Central Saudi Arabia, Saudi Journal of
Biological Sciences 19 (3): 357–368 (ISI Journal).
26. Jaleel, V. A., Sivadasan, M., Alfarhan, A.H., Thomas, J. & Alatar, A. A. 2012. A
Taxonomic Revision of Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne. Sect. Conophallus (Schott)
Engl. (Araceae) in India. Bangladesh J. of plant taxonomy 19(2): 135-153. (ISI
27. Thomas, J., El-Sheikh, M. A., Alatar, A. A., Alfarhan, A. H. and Sivadasan, M. 2013.
Distribution and abundance of Astragalus L., in some of the peripheral populations in
the central region of Saudi Arabia. Pakistan Journal of Botany 45(2): 525-534. (ISI
28. Raj, M. S.K., Sivadasan, M.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Alfarhan, A.H. & Thomas, J. 2013.
Nanooravia, a new genus of subtribe Dimeriinae (Poaceae – Panicoideae –
Andropogoneae) from India. Nordic J. Botany. 31 (2): 161-165 (ISI journal).
29. Al-Qurainy, F.; Gaafar, A.Z; Khan, S., M. Nadeem, M.; Tarroum, M.; Alaklabi, A. and
Thomas, J. 2013. Antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Breonadia salicina
(Rubiaceae), an endangered medicinal plant of Saudi Arabia. Genetics and Molecular
Research 12 (3): 3212-3219 (ISI journal).
30. El-Sheikh, M.A.; Thomas, J.; Alatar, A.A.; Hegazy, A.K.; Abbady, G.A. Alfarhan,
A.H.; Okla, M.I. 2013. Vegetation of Thumamah Nature Park: a managed arid land site
in Saudi Arabia. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei, 24:349–367. (ISI Journal).
31. Alaklabi1, A.; Arif, I.A.; Bafeel, S.O.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Ahamed, A.; Thomas, J. and
Bakir, M. A. 2014. Nucleotide based validation of the endangered plant Diospyros
mespiliformis (Ebenaceae) by evaluating short sequence region of plastid rbcL gene.
Plant Omics Journal 7(2):102-107 (ISI Journal)..
32. Hegazy, A.K.; A. A. Alatar, Thomas, J., M. Faisal, A. H. Alfarhan and K. Krzywinski.
2014. Compatibility and complementarity of indigenous and scientific knowledge of wild
plants in the highlands of southwest Saudi Arabia. Journal of Forestry Research 25(2):
437-444. (ISI Journal).
33. Thomas, J. Sivadasan M., Al-Ansari, A.M.; Ahmed Alfarhan, Mohamed El-Sheikh,
Mohamed Basahi.2014. New generic and species records for the flora of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 21: 457-464. (ISI Journal).
34. Abduljaleel, V.; Sivadasan, M.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Thomas, J. & Alatar, A.A. 2014.
Revision of Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne. Sect. Amorphophallus (Araceae) in India.
Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 21(2): 105-120. (ISI Journal).
35. Abdulrahman A. Alatar, Mohamed A. El-Sheikh, Jacob Thomas, Ahmad K. Hegazy,
Hosam A. El Adawy 2015. Vegetation, Floristic Diversity,and Size-Classes of Acacia
gerrardii in an Arid Wadi Ecosystem Arid Land Research and Management. 29:335–
359. ISI Journal.
36. Al-Rehaily, A., Thomas, J.,Yusuf, M., Sivadasan, M. Alfarhan, A.H., El-Sheikh, M.A.,
Alatar, A. 2015. Taxonomy and distribution of two newly recorded genera in Saudi
Arabia. Kuwait J. Sci. 42 (3) pp. 158-169. (ISI Journal).
37. Mark van Kleunen,…………, Jacob Thomas, Mauricio Velayo, Jan J.Wieringa & Petr
Pysˇek. 2015. Global exchange and accumulation of non-native plants. Nature 525
(7567): 100-103. (ISI Journal).
38. Thomas, J., Basahi, R. Al-Ansari , A.E. Sivadasan, M. El-Sheikh, M.A. Alfarhan,
A;H. Al-Atar, A, A. 2015. Additions to the Flora of Saudi Arabia: Two New Generic
Records from the Southern Tihama of Saudi Arabia. National Academy Science Letters
India 38(6): 513-516 (ISI Journal).
39. Hussain, S., Aldryhim, Y., Al-Dhafer, H., Halbert, S.E. & Thomas, J. 2015. New aphid
records for Saudi Arabia (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Zoology in the Middle East. 61(4):
368-371. ( ISI Journal).
40. Thomas, J.; El-Sheikh, M.A.; Alfarhan, A.H.;,Alatar, A.A., Sivadasan,M.; Basahi, M.,
Al-Obaid, S.; Rajakrishnan, R 2016. Impact of alien invasive species on habitats and
species richness in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments 127: 53-65.
41. Sunil Kumar, K.N.; Maruthi, K.R.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Rajakrishnan, R.; Thomas, J.. 2016.
Molecular fingerprinting of Helicanthus elastica (Desr.) Danser growing on five different
hosts by RAPD. Saudi J. Bio. Sci. 23, 335–340
42. Sunil Kumar, K.N.; Rajakrishnan, R Thomas, J. and Aadinaath Reddy, G. 2016.
Hepatoprotective effect of Helicanthus elastica. Bangladesh J Pharmacol 11: 525-530.
43. Schuster, A., Burghardt, M., Alfarhan, A., Bueno, A., Hedrich, R., Leide, J., Thomas, J.
and Riederer, M. 2016. Effectiveness of cuticular transpiration barriers in a desert plant at
controlling water loss at high temperatures. AoB PLANTS. 8:plw027;
44. Sami Al-Obaid, Boudje´ma Samraoui, Thomas, J., Hamed A. El-Serehy, Ahmed H.
Alfarhan, Wolfgang Schneider, Mark O’Connell. 2016. An overview of wetlands of
Saudi Arabia: Values, threats, and perspectives. Ambio. 46: 98-108. DOI
45. Sunil Kumar, KN, Ravishankar, B, Yashovarma, B, Rajakrishnan, R, Thomas, J. 2016.
Development of Quality Standards of Medicinal Mistletoe – Helicanthes elastica (Desr.)
Danser employing Pharmacopoeial procedures. Saudi J. Bio. Sci. 23: 674-686
46. Thomas, J.; Mohamed A. EL-SHEIKH, Abdulrehman A. Alatar. 2016. Endemics and
endangered species in the biodiversity hotspot of the Shada Mountains, Saudi Arabia. J.
Arid Land, 9(1): 109–121 (doi: 10.1007/s40333-016-0025-8).
47. Ravi Mundugaru, Sunil Kumar Koppala Narayana, Shrinidhi R Ballal, Thomas, J.
Rajakrishnan R. 2016. Neuroprotective Activity of Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. ex
Buch.-Ham. Fruit Extract Against Aluminium Chloride Induced Neurotoxicity in Mice.
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 50(3): 435-441.
48. Dewidar, K.; Thomas, J.; Bayoumi, S. 2016. Detecting the environmental impact of offroad
vehicles on Rawdat Al Shams in central Saudi Arabia by remote sensing.
Environment monitoring and assessment. 188(7):396. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-016-5400-
49. El-Sheikh, M.; Thomas, J.;, Alfarhan, A.; Alatar, A.A.; Sivadasan, M.; Hennekens,
S.M.; Schaminee, J.H.J.; Mucina, L.; Alansari, A.M. 2017. SaudiVeg ecoinformatics:
Aims, current status and perspectives. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (2017) 24,
50. Doaigey, A.R.; El-Zaidy, M.; Alfarhan, A.H.; Milagy, A. Thomas, J. 2017. Pollen
Morphology of certain species of the Family Lamiaceae in Saudi Arabia. Saudi J. of
Biological Sciences. 25(2): 354-360.
51. Benil, P.B.; Lekshmi, R.; Viswanathan, N.; Jollykutty, E.; R. Rajakrishnan, R.;
Thomas, J.; Alfarhan, A.H. 2017. Combined efficacy of Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek
and Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson on serum lipids in albino rats.
Saudi J. Bio. Sciences
52. Rajakrishnan, R.; Lekshmi, R.; Benil, P.B.; Thomas, J. ; Alfarhan, A.H.; Rakesh V.;
Khalaf; S.. 2017. Phytochemical evaluation of roots of Plumbago zeylanica L. and
assessment of its potential as a nephroprotective agent. Saudi J. Biol. Sciences. 1319-562X
53. Ravi Mundugaru, Senthil Kumar Sivanesa, Padmaja Udaykumar, Febin Joy, Sunil
Kumar, K.N., Lekshmi Rajakrishnan, Ahmed Hamad AlFarhan, Thomas, Jacob,
Rajakrishnan Rajagopal, Sameh Mohammed Hisham. 2017. Quality Standardization and
Nephroprotective Effect of Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. Fruit rind. Indian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 51(4): 713-721.
54. P y š e k, P; Pe r g l, J; E s s , F.; , Bernd L e n z n e r, B; D aw s o n, W.; K r e f t, H.; We i g e l, P.; Wi n t e r, M.;
K a r t e s z, J.; …………; T h o m a s, J.; Ve l a y o s, M.; We b e r, E.; Wi e r i n g a, J.; B a p t i s t e, M.P. &
v a n K l e u n e n, M. 2017. Naturalized alien flora of the world: species diversity, taxonomic
and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasion
Preslia 89: 203–274
55. Lekshmi, R., Rajakrishnan, R., Benil, P.B., Alfarhan, A.H., Thomas, J. 2018. Treatment
with Semecarpus anacardium extract curtails Cisplatn induced Nephrotoxicity and
oxidatives stress in mice. IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 7624-7631.
56. S. Ahmed, A.J. Al-Rehaily, M.S. Ahmada, M. Yousaf, M. Nur-e-Alam J. Thomas, S.I.
Khan, I.A. Khan. 2018 Cytotoxic and antiinflammatory activities of the chemical
constituents isolated from Baccharoides schimperi DC. South African Journal of
Botany 114: 9–13
57. VAN Kleunen, M.; Peter PySek, L.; Dawson, W.; AWSON, FRANZ ESSL, HOLGER
Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database. Ecology. 2019 Jan;100(1):e02542. doi:
58. Al Shaye, N.; Masrahi, Y.S. and Jacob Thomas 2020. Ecological significance of floristic
composition and life forms of Riyadh region, Central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Journal of
Biological Sciences 27: 35-40.
59. El-Sheikh, M.A.; Jacob Thomas; Arif, I.A. and El-Sheikh, H.M. 2021. Ecology of
inland sand dunes “nafuds” as a hyper-arid habitat, Saudi Arabia: Floristic and plant
associations diversity. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (Accepted for publication).

Book Chapters
Alfarhan, A.H. and Jacob Thomas 1990. Key to the families, in Flora of the kingdom of Saudi
Arbia, Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alfarhan, A.H. and Jacob Thomas 1990. Flora of the kingdom of Saudi Arbia,
Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Jacob Thomas, Chaudhary, S.A. and Al-Jowaid, A.A. 1990. Tamaricaceae in Flora of the
kingdom of Saudi Arbia, Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alfarhan, A.H. and Jacob Thomas 2000. Caprifoliaceae in Flora of the kingdom of Saudi Arbia,
Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alfarhan, A.H. and Jacob Thomas 2001. Buddlejaceae in Flora of the kingdom of Saudi Arbia,
Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alfarhan, A.H. and Jacob Thomas 2001. Convolvulaceae in Flora of the kingdom of Saudi
Arbia, Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alfarhan, A.H. and Jacob Thomas 2001. Cuscutaceae in Flora of the kingdom of Saudi Arbia,
Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Al-Hemaid, F. and Jacob Thomas 2001 Tribulus L. in Flora of the kingdom of Saudi Arbia,
Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alfarhan, A.H. and Jacob Thomas 2001. Geraniaceae in Flora of the kingdom of Saudi Arbia,
Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Alfarhan, A.H., Jacob Thomas, Rajakrishnan, R. 2021. Impact Assessment and management of
Invasive species in plant diversity centers and agriculture fields of Saudi Arabia. In “Invasive
Species – Introduction Pathways, Economic Impact, and Possible Management Options” edited
by Dr. Hamadttu Abdel Farag El-Shafie, Wiley Publishing.
Awad Al Surour, Jacob Thomas 2022 The Illustrated Atlas of Wild Plants, King Fahd National

Past and present Research Projects
1. Flora of Jazan Region. Project no. AR-17-7, Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science
and Technology. 2003-2005.
2. Conservation and valuation of plant diversity of potential economic value in mountain
ecosystems, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Project no. 10-ENV1276-02, Funded by King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. 2011-2013.
3. Impact assessment and management of invasive species in plant diversity centres and
agriculture fields of Saudi Arabia, Project No. 10-ENV1295-02, Funded by King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. 2011-2013.
4. Establishment of DNA bank for Flora of Saudi Arabia. Project No. 10-BIO-1289-02.
Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. 2011-2013
5. Checklist of the Plants of the Arabian Peninsula, Royal Botanic Gardens, KEW, UK. (A
project to create and maintain a searchable online database of plants of the Arabian
6. Monitoring and assessing the environmental impacts of off-road driving on natural
recreational areas in central Saudi Arabia by using remote sensing. Project No. 12-
ENV2776-08, Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. 2014-2016.
7. Wetland monitoring in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: an assessment tool of global
changes. Project no. 12-ENV2569-02. Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and
Technology. 2014-2016.
8. Consultant 2021-2022. Invasive species identification, Palladium International in
collaboration with MEWA, (D32073), Riyadh.
9. Consultant 2022-2023. Survey and updates on alien invasive species in vegetation rich
areas. MEWA, Saudi Arabia.
10. Member, consulting team. 2021-2022. Neom greening consortium, Scenarios for Neom
Contributions to SGI. Saudi Arabia. Feasibility study.
11. Member, Consulting team, 2022-2023. Greening Neom, Saudi Arabia, the landscape by
design, Atlas of landscape typologies and water related design principles. Biotic Pump,
Brazil in collaboration with Water and Beyond, Dubai and Brazil.
12. Consultant. 2022- Barcoding and digitization of Herbaria in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian
Botanical Society in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resources & Social
Development, Riyadh

1. Jacob Thomas Pandalayil and Ahmed H. Alfarhan Impact of invasive species on natural
plant communities and agriculture lands in Saudi Arabia. 2013. Plant life of southwest
Asia, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, UK. July 1-5, 2013.
2. Sivadasan M., Sulaiman Ali A. Alharbi, Ahmed H. Alfarhan, Najat Abdulwahab Bukhari,
Mohamed Abd El-Raouf El-Sheikh & Jacob Thomas 2014. Analysis Of Flora Of Saudi
Arabia, And Floristic Impediments In Development Of Software For Computer-Based
Identification Of Plants. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, (IJAS) International
Conference for Academic Disciplines at Anglo-American University, Lázeňská 4, 118 00
Praha 1, Czech Republic, from 10 to 13 June 2014.
3. El-Sheikh, M.A.; Thomas, J.; Alfarhan, A.H. Sivadasan, M., Hennekens, S.M.;
Schaminee, J.H.J. and Muchna, L. Vegetation database of Najd- the central region of
Saudi Arabia: An overview. Poster in International Association for Vegetation Science
(IVAS). 1-5 Sept., 2014 in Perth, Australia.
4. Thomas, J. 2019. Impact of Alien Invasive species on Natural Habitats and Farming
Lands in Saudi Arabia, Environment and Sustainable Development, First International
Conference on Semi Arid Mountain Environment. Abha Palace Hotel, Abha, Saudi
5. Thomas, J. 2022. ‘Exotic and naturalized invaders in Saudi Arabia’, Paper presented in
the International Exhibition and Scientific Workshop on Afforestation Technologies.
(Greening Arabia 2022)
Survey and Research

a) The possibility of benefiting from wild plants growing in the Kingdom for horticultural
and ornamental use in cities. Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and
Technology, Riyadh. 1997-1999.
b) Flora of Jizan Region, funded by King Abdul Aziz city for Science and Technology, AR-
17-7, 1999-2003.
c) Taxonomic and Ecological Studies on the family Chenopodiaceae in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. Funded King Abdul Aziz city for Science and Technology, AR- 15-100.
d) A comprehensive study of the current status of the bee keeping industry in Saudi Arabia,
Plant protection dept. King Saud University. 2004-2006.
e) Forest/woodland survey, conservation studies, funded by Ministry of Agriculture &
Water and KACST) 2000 –2004
f) Ex-situ conservation of medicinal and aromatic plants in Saudi Arabia- awareness and
sustainable use. Funded by Ford Motor Company Conservation & Environmental Grants
Programme. 2007.
g) Vegetation survey on the proposed Haysiyah Resort site, Riyadh. Report submitted to the
Ar Riyadh Development Authority. 2005
h) DNA fingerprinting of native and exotic wild plants of Saudi Arabia, Stage 1. DNA
fingerprinting of Wild Plants in the Central Region. Funded by Prince Sultan Research
Chair for environment and wildlife. 2008-
i) Biodiversity study of selected wetland ecosystems of Saudi Arabia, King Saud University
j) Floristic and Ecological survey studies in Raudhat Mulaihiya, Central Saudi Arabia.
2010-2011 (Research Center, Deanship of Scientific Research).
k) Conservation and valuation of plant diversity of potential economic value in mountain
ecosystems, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Project no. 10-ENV1276-02, Funded by King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. 2011-2013.
l) Impact assessment and management of invasive species in plant diversity centres and
agriculture fields of Saudi Arabia, Project No. 10-ENV1295-02, Funded by King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. 2011-2013.
m) Establishment of DNA bank for Flora of Saudi Arabia. Project No. 10-BIO-1289-02.
Funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. 2011-2013

Scientific and Technical Reports
1 “Vulnerability assessment and adaptation of climate change” Country report for the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 2004
1. “Report on implementation of programme of Work for the Global Taxonomy Initiative”
Species Survival Commission (SSC), IUCN, United Nations. June, 2004.
2. “Red Data Book & the National Geospatial database of Saudi Arabia” Project proposal
submitted to King Saud University, 2004
3. “Initial stages of setting up a seed bank in Saudi Arabia” Final project report submitted to
the Deanship of scientific research, King Saud University, 2005.
4. Flora of Jizan Region” Final project report submitted to King Abdulaziz City for Science
and Technology, Riyadh, 2005.

Technical Expertise
Proficiency in Photoshop, BRAHMS, WordPress, Elementor, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Flash, Acrobat Professional,
Microsoft word, Microsoft Front Page, Office publisher Power Point, and in a significant
number of other scientific applications.
Photoshop : Experiences in Mapping, Graphic web-designing, Creating animations and
rollovers, Drawing and Painting.
SPSS: Statistical analysis for ecological and floristic surveys, quadrate studies, etc.
BRAHMS: Herbarium Management Programme for species data feeding, sorting, digital plant
storing, distribution map, etc.
Adobe Acrobat Professional: For creating Portable Document Format (PDF) of scientific
articles, research papers.
Office word processing 2007/XP: Excellent working experience in document Creations (DTP),
organizational charts, etc.
Office Excel 2007: Experiences in spreadsheet, statistical charts.
Power Point: Created over 400 scientific presentations for seminars, student lectures,
conferences, etc.

Memberships :
1. Arabian Plant Specialist Group (Since 1996)
2. Saudi Biological Society
3. IUCN (Since 1996)
4. Species Survival Commission (SSC)
5. Life member of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT)
6. Life member of Rheedea, official journal IAAT

Seminars/workshop attended :
1. Symposium on the Biological aspects of Saudi Arabia, 1989-1998
2. Symposium on desert studies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia “Extant and
Implementations” 2-4, Oct., 1994.
3. Workshop on the conservation of the Flora of Arabian Peninsula (on the occasion of the
formation of the Arabian Plant Specialist group, (APSG), 9-10, June, 1996.
4. Seminar on the joint study project on the conservation of Juniper woodlands in Saudi
Arabia. 2nd March, 1999
5. The 2nd International conference of Economics and Conservation of Renewable Natural
Resources in Arid Zones. 2000.
6. Work shop of Center of Excellence in biodiversity research, held at King Saud
University, 2008.
7. One day workshop of Prince Sultan Research Chair for environment and Wildlife, held at
King Saud University 2008.
8. Workshop on Research Centers of Excellence at King Saud University. (Concepts &
Application), held at King Saud University campus, 2008