Central Region/Najd Area

The central region or the ‘Najd’ is characterized by hillocks, valleys (wadis), meadows (‘raudhas’), salt pans(‘sabkhas’), gravel (‘reg’), rocky (‘hammada’) and sandy deserts. The entire area is a large plateau which lies within a low precipitation area, often receive less than 100mm rain. An array of hillocks and notably the arch-shaped Tuwayq Mountain range (c. 1000m) that stretches about 800 km along the central region is the main landmark of this Province. Several wadis also present in the region. Among these Wadi Hanifa is the prominent one running for a length of about 100 km from north to south direction, passing along the western sides of Riyadh City. The area is devoid of any perennial streams, although there are a few underground aquifiers exist in the southern part of Riyadh.
Huge areas of sand dunes (mostly the extensions of Dahna sands) are present in the northern, eastern and southern borders. Isolated longitudinal dunes of 100km or more in length occur along the middle and western edges. The entire area fall within the Saharo-Arabian (Saharo-Sindian in a broad sense) phytochorion and therefore the vegetation is mainly dominated by annuals and drought resistant xeromorphs. Vegetation of rocky deserts are generally sparse due to the impermeability of water and its impenetrable surface to plant roots. Plant growth and seed deposits are largely confined to the periphery of the gravel areas, where fine soil accumulate over a considerable period and generate a habitat conducive for certain shallow rooted plants. Plateau and other deserts are also less favourable for plant growth due to exposure to wind and other evaporating factors. Vegetation in such areas are restricted to notches and crevices. Vegetation is virtually nil on hillocks except for a few grass species and some perennial plants. However the west facing slopes hold significant number of annuals and perennials. Wadis on the other hand, which receive additional supply of runoff water along with fine soil from the elevated places, are the real seat of the main vegetation. Acacias are the dominant group in such wadis. In depressions where the soil is composed of loam and silt, the vegetation is dominated by annuals. There are several raudhas in the region, most of which are located near sand dunes and are influenced by the vegetations of both sand-dunes and rocky habitats. Tree species are rare in the central region. Out of 70 tree species present in Saudi Arabia, the central region contains only Acacia gerrardii and A. raddiana, in wadis and a few stands of Ziziphus spina-christi, Maerua crassifolia, Moringa peregrina, Capparis decidua and Ficus palmata in open plains or in gullies or ravines of hilly areas.

Valley (Wadi) | ||
Acacia gerrardii | Mimosaceae | |
Acacia ehrenbergiana | Mimosaceae | |
Acacia tottilis | Mimosaceae | |
Lycium shawii | Solanaceae | |
Aizoon canariense | Aizoaceae | |
Blepharis ciliaris | Acanthaceae | |
Amaranthus viridis | Amaranthaceae | |
Arnebia hispidissima | Boraginaceae | |
Alkanna orientalis | Boraginaceae | |
Atriplex leucoclada | Chenopodiaceae | |
Conyza bonariensis | Compositae | |
Xanthium strumarium | Compositae | |
Tripleurospermum auriculatum | Compositae | |
Convolvulus glomeratus | Convolvulaceae | |
C. oxyphyllus ssp. oxycladus | Convolvulaceae | |
Brassica tournefortii | Cruciferae | |
Zilla spinosa | Cruciferae | |
Cucumis prophetarum | Cucurbitaceae | |
Stipa capensis | Gramineae | |
Trigonella hamosa | Leguminosae | |
Cistanche phelypaea | Orobanchaceae | |
Rumex vesicarius | Polygonaceae | |
Haplophyllum tuberculatum | Rutaceae | |
Scrophularia deserti | Scrophulariaceae | |
Teucrium oliverianum | Labiatae | |
Fagonia indica | Zygophyllaceae | |
Tribulus terrestris | Zygophyllaceae | |
Peganum harmala | Zygophyllaceae | |
Calotropis procera | Asclepiadaceae | |
Raudhats (Meadow) | ||
Amaranthus graecizans | Amaranthaceae | |
Asphodelus tenuifolius | Asphodelaceae | |
Arnebia hispidissima | Boraginaceae | |
Lappula spinocarpos | Boraginaceae | |
Heliotropium arbainense | Boraginaceae | |
Bassia eriophora | Chenopodiaceae | |
Chenopodium murale | Chenopodiaceae | |
Anthemis deserti | Compositae | |
Achillea fragrantissima | Compositae | |
Calendula arvensis | Compositae | |
Centaurea pseudosinaica | Compositae | |
Filago desertorum | Compositae | |
Ifloga spicata | Compositae | |
Scorzonera intricata | Compositae | |
Zoegea purpurea | Compositae | |
Aaronsohnia factorovskyi | Compositae | |
Urospermum picroides | Compositae | |
Sonchus oleraceus | Compositae | |
Reichardia tingitana | Compositae | |
Convolvulus arvensis | Convolvulaceae | |
Sisymbrium irio | Cruciferae | |
Notoceras bicorne | Cruciferae | |
Cenchrus ciliaris | Gramineae | |
Lolium rigidum | Gramineae | |
Hordeum murinum | Gramineae | |
Phalaris minor | Gramineae | |
Schismus barbatus | Cruciferae | |
Trigonella anguina | Papilionaceae | |
Trigonella hamosa | Papilionaceae | |
Trigonella stellata | Papilionaceae | |
Spergula fallax | Papilionaceae | |
Astragalus corrugatus | Papilionaceae | |
Medicago laciniata | Papilionaceae | |
Malva parviflora | Malvaceae | |
Tripleurospermum auriculatum | Asteraceae | |
Open Plains (Plateau) | ||
Heliotropium bacciferum | Boraginaceae | |
Trichodesma africanum | Boraginaceae | |
Agriophyllum minus | Chenopodiaceae | |
Bassia muricata | Chenopodiaceae | |
Halothamnus bottae | Chenopodiaceae | |
Cornulaca monocantha | Chenopodiaceae | |
Helianthemum lippii | Cistaceae | |
Salsola imbricata | Chenopodiaceae | |
Asteriscus heirochunticus | Asteraceae | |
Pulicaria jaubertii | Asteraceae | |
Scorzonera musillii | Asteraceae | |
Convolvulus pilosellifolius | Convolvulaceae | |
C. oxyphyllus ssp. oxycladus | Convolvulaceae | |
Ochradenus baccatus | Resedaceae | |
Farsetia aegyptiaca | Brassicaceae | |
Moricandia sinaica | Brassicaceae | |
Morettia parviflora | Brassicaceae | |
Diplotaxis harra | Brassicaceae | |
Erucaria hispanica | Brassicaceae | |
Capsella bursa-pastoris | Brassicaceae | |
Citrullus colocynthis | Cucurbitaceae | |
Chrozophora oblongifolia | Euphorbiaceae | |
Cenchrus ciliaris | Poaceae | |
Pennisetum divisum | Poaceae | |
Panicum turgidum | Poaceae | |
Senna italica (Cassia italica) | Caesalpiniaceae | |
Rumex dentatus | Polygonaceae | |
Fagonia bruguieri | Zygophyllaceae |
Sabkhah (Salt Pans) | |
Anabasis setifera | Chenopodiaceae |
Halopeplis perfoliata | Chenopodiaceae |
Traganum nudatum | Chenopodiaceae |
Suaeda aegyptiaca | Chenopodiaceae |
Aeluropus lagopoides | Gramineae |
Tamarix nilotica | Tamaricaceae |
Zygophyllum simplex | Zygophyllaceae |
Zygophyllum coccineum | Zygophyllaceae |
Juncus rigidus | Juncaceae |
Cressa cretica | Convolvulaceae |
Capparis spinosa | Capparaceae |
Arthrocnemum macrostachyum | Chenopodiaceae |
Salicornia europaea | Chenopodiaceae |
Cyperus laevigatus | Cyperaceae |
Citrullus colocynthis | Cucurbitaceae |
Cleome amblyocarpa | Capparaceae |
Fagonia bruguieri | Zygophyllaceae |
Peganum harmala | Zygophyllaceae |
Phragmites australis | Gramineae |
Imperata cylindrica | Gramineae |
Leptochloa fusca | Gramineae |
Sand Dunes | |
Moltkiopsis ciliata | Boraginaceae |
Centropodia forsskalii | Poaceae |
Centropodia fragilis | Poaceae |
Cakile arabica | Brassicaceae |
Savignya parviflora | Brassicaceae |
Calligonum comosum | Polygonaceae |
Artemisia monosperma | Asteraceae |
Cyperus conglomerates | Cyperaceae |
Stipagrostis drarii | Poaceae |
Plantago boissieri | Plantaginaceae |
Plantago psammophila | Plantaginaceae |
Scrophularia hypercifolia | Scrophulariaceae |
Silene villosa | Caryophyllaceae |
Savignya parviflora | Brassicaceae |
Plantago ciliata | Plantaginaceae |
Stipagrostis plumosa | Poaceae |
Haloxylon persicum | Chenopodiaceae |
Anthemis deserti | Asteraceae |
Astragalus schimperi | Papilionaceae |
Dipterygium glaucum | Capparaceae |
Eremobium aegyptium | Brassicaceae |
Sporobolus spicatus | Poaceae |
Mountains | |
Periploca aphylla | Asclepiadaceae |
Capparis cartilaginea | Capparaceae |
Echinops spinosissimus | Asteraceae |
Erodium deserti | Geraniaceae |
Lasiurus scindicus | Poaceae |
Erodium glaucophyllum | Geraniaceae |
Schimpera arabica | Brassicaceae |
Avena fatua | Poaceae |
Isatis lusitanica | Brassicaceae |
Brachypodium distachyum | Poaceae |
Hordeum murinum | Poaceae |
Hyparrhenia hirta | Poaceae |
Tetrapogon villosus | Poaceae |
Lavandula pubescens | Lamiaceae |
Salvia aegyptiaca | Lamiaceae |
Teucrium polium | Lamiaceae |
Plantago amplexicaulis | Plantaginaceae |
Emex spinosa | Polygonaceae |
Caylusea hexagyna | Resedaceae |
Ochradenus baccatus | Resedaceae |
Themeda triandra | Poaceae |