Central Region/Najd Area

Jabal Tuwayq

The central region or the ‘Najd’ is characterized by hillocks, valleys (wadis), meadows (‘raudhas’), salt pans(‘sabkhas’), gravel (‘reg’), rocky (‘hammada’) and sandy deserts. The entire area is a large plateau which lies within a low precipitation area, often receive less than 100mm rain. An array of hillocks and notably the arch-shaped Tuwayq Mountain range (c. 1000m) that stretches about 800 km along the central region is the main landmark of this Province. Several wadis also present in the region. Among these Wadi Hanifa is the prominent one running for a length of about 100 km from north to south direction, passing along the western sides of Riyadh City. The area is devoid of any perennial streams, although there are a few underground aquifiers exist in the southern part of Riyadh.

Huge areas of sand dunes (mostly the extensions of Dahna sands) are present in the northern, eastern and southern borders. Isolated longitudinal dunes of 100km or more in length occur along the middle and western edges. The entire area fall within the Saharo-Arabian (Saharo-Sindian in a broad sense) phytochorion and therefore the vegetation is mainly dominated by annuals and drought resistant xeromorphs. Vegetation of rocky deserts are generally sparse due to the impermeability of water and its impenetrable surface to plant roots.  Plant growth and seed deposits are largely confined to the periphery of the gravel areas, where fine soil accumulate over a considerable period and generate a habitat conducive for certain shallow rooted plants. Plateau and other deserts are also less favourable for plant growth due to exposure to wind and other evaporating factors. Vegetation in such areas are restricted to notches and crevices.  Vegetation is virtually nil on hillocks except for a few grass species and some perennial plants. However the west facing slopes hold significant number of annuals and perennials. Wadis on the other hand, which receive additional supply of runoff water along with fine soil from the elevated places, are the real seat of the main vegetation. Acacias are the dominant group in such wadis. In depressions where the soil is composed of loam and silt, the vegetation is dominated by annuals. There are several raudhas in the region, most of which are located near sand dunes and are influenced by the vegetations of both sand-dunes and rocky habitats. Tree species are rare in the central region. Out of 70 tree species present in Saudi Arabia, the central region contains only Acacia gerrardii and A. raddiana, in wadis and a few stands of Ziziphus spina-christi, Maerua crassifolia, Moringa peregrina, Capparis decidua and Ficus palmata in open plains or in gullies or ravines of hilly areas.

Valley (Wadi)  
Acacia gerrardiiMimosaceae
Acacia ehrenbergianaMimosaceae
Acacia tottilisMimosaceae
Lycium shawiiSolanaceae
Aizoon canarienseAizoaceae
Blepharis ciliarisAcanthaceae
Amaranthus viridisAmaranthaceae
Arnebia hispidissimaBoraginaceae
Alkanna orientalisBoraginaceae
Atriplex leucocladaChenopodiaceae
Conyza bonariensisCompositae
Xanthium strumariumCompositae
Tripleurospermum auriculatum    Compositae
Convolvulus glomeratusConvolvulaceae
C. oxyphyllus ssp. oxycladusConvolvulaceae
Brassica tournefortiiCruciferae
Zilla spinosaCruciferae
Cucumis prophetarumCucurbitaceae
Stipa capensisGramineae
Trigonella hamosaLeguminosae
Cistanche phelypaeaOrobanchaceae
Rumex vesicariusPolygonaceae
Haplophyllum tuberculatum  Rutaceae
Scrophularia desertiScrophulariaceae
Teucrium oliverianumLabiatae
Fagonia indicaZygophyllaceae
Tribulus terrestrisZygophyllaceae
Peganum harmalaZygophyllaceae
Calotropis proceraAsclepiadaceae
Raudhats (Meadow)  
Amaranthus graecizansAmaranthaceae
Asphodelus tenuifoliusAsphodelaceae
Arnebia hispidissimaBoraginaceae
Lappula spinocarposBoraginaceae
Heliotropium arbainenseBoraginaceae
Bassia eriophoraChenopodiaceae
Chenopodium muraleChenopodiaceae
Anthemis desertiCompositae
Achillea fragrantissimaCompositae
Calendula arvensisCompositae
Centaurea pseudosinaicaCompositae
Filago desertorumCompositae
Ifloga spicataCompositae
Scorzonera intricataCompositae
Zoegea purpureaCompositae
Aaronsohnia factorovskyiCompositae
Urospermum picroidesCompositae
Sonchus oleraceusCompositae
Reichardia tingitanaCompositae
Convolvulus arvensisConvolvulaceae
Sisymbrium irioCruciferae
Notoceras bicorneCruciferae
Cenchrus ciliarisGramineae
Lolium rigidumGramineae
Hordeum murinumGramineae
Phalaris minorGramineae
Schismus barbatusCruciferae
Trigonella anguinaPapilionaceae
Trigonella hamosaPapilionaceae
Trigonella stellataPapilionaceae
Spergula fallaxPapilionaceae
Astragalus corrugatusPapilionaceae
Medicago laciniataPapilionaceae
Malva parvifloraMalvaceae
Tripleurospermum auriculatumAsteraceae
Open Plains  (Plateau)  
Heliotropium bacciferumBoraginaceae
Trichodesma africanumBoraginaceae
Agriophyllum minusChenopodiaceae
Bassia muricataChenopodiaceae
Halothamnus bottaeChenopodiaceae
Cornulaca monocanthaChenopodiaceae
Helianthemum lippiiCistaceae
Salsola imbricataChenopodiaceae
Asteriscus heirochunticusAsteraceae
Pulicaria jaubertiiAsteraceae
Scorzonera musilliiAsteraceae
Convolvulus pilosellifolius              Convolvulaceae
C. oxyphyllus ssp. oxycladusConvolvulaceae
Ochradenus baccatusResedaceae
Farsetia aegyptiacaBrassicaceae
Moricandia sinaicaBrassicaceae
Morettia parvifloraBrassicaceae
Diplotaxis harraBrassicaceae
Erucaria hispanicaBrassicaceae
Capsella bursa-pastorisBrassicaceae
Citrullus colocynthisCucurbitaceae
Chrozophora oblongifoliaEuphorbiaceae
Cenchrus ciliarisPoaceae
Pennisetum divisumPoaceae
Panicum turgidumPoaceae
Senna italica (Cassia italica)            Caesalpiniaceae
Rumex dentatusPolygonaceae
Fagonia bruguieriZygophyllaceae


Sabkhah (Salt Pans)

Anabasis setiferaChenopodiaceae
Halopeplis perfoliataChenopodiaceae
Traganum nudatumChenopodiaceae
Suaeda aegyptiacaChenopodiaceae
Aeluropus lagopoidesGramineae
Tamarix niloticaTamaricaceae
Zygophyllum simplexZygophyllaceae
Zygophyllum coccineumZygophyllaceae
Juncus rigidusJuncaceae
Cressa creticaConvolvulaceae
Capparis spinosaCapparaceae
Arthrocnemum macrostachyum          Chenopodiaceae
Salicornia europaeaChenopodiaceae
Cyperus laevigatusCyperaceae
Citrullus colocynthisCucurbitaceae
Cleome amblyocarpaCapparaceae
Fagonia bruguieriZygophyllaceae
Peganum harmalaZygophyllaceae
Phragmites australisGramineae
Imperata cylindricaGramineae
Leptochloa fuscaGramineae
Sand Dunes 
Moltkiopsis ciliataBoraginaceae
Centropodia forsskaliiPoaceae
Centropodia fragilisPoaceae
Cakile arabicaBrassicaceae
Savignya parvifloraBrassicaceae
Calligonum comosumPolygonaceae
Artemisia monospermaAsteraceae
Cyperus conglomeratesCyperaceae
Stipagrostis drariiPoaceae
Plantago boissieriPlantaginaceae
Plantago psammophilaPlantaginaceae
Scrophularia hypercifoliaScrophulariaceae
Silene villosaCaryophyllaceae
Savignya parvifloraBrassicaceae
Plantago ciliataPlantaginaceae
Stipagrostis plumosaPoaceae
Haloxylon persicumChenopodiaceae
Anthemis desertiAsteraceae
Astragalus schimperiPapilionaceae
Dipterygium glaucumCapparaceae
Eremobium aegyptiumBrassicaceae
Sporobolus spicatusPoaceae
Periploca aphyllaAsclepiadaceae
Capparis cartilagineaCapparaceae
Echinops spinosissimusAsteraceae
Erodium desertiGeraniaceae
Lasiurus scindicusPoaceae
Erodium glaucophyllumGeraniaceae
Schimpera arabicaBrassicaceae
Avena fatuaPoaceae
Isatis lusitanicaBrassicaceae
Brachypodium distachyumPoaceae
Hordeum murinumPoaceae
Hyparrhenia hirtaPoaceae
Tetrapogon villosusPoaceae
Lavandula pubescensLamiaceae
Salvia aegyptiacaLamiaceae
Teucrium poliumLamiaceae
Plantago amplexicaulisPlantaginaceae
Emex spinosaPolygonaceae
Caylusea hexagynaResedaceae
Ochradenus baccatusResedaceae
Themeda triandraPoaceae